CERM INSIGHT: Setting user permissions


The CERM MIS Software allows you to subdivide all CERM-users in different user groups based on their roles within your printshop and to adjust their user permissions accordingly. The CERM System Manager can access the User Permission report and determine  which user profile has complete, limited or no access permission to use certain modules, functionalities or applications within the CERM MIS.


At the start of each CERM MIS implementation phase, all CERM-users have the same level of permission until specific user-groups are determined. These user-groups are based on specific roles within your organization and are used to set a default access value.

You can read all about setting permissions and determining CERM user-groups in the CERM online help or at the introduction video of each new CERM version update at the CERM Academy. Don’t forget, new or updated features have complete access permission for all users and need to be adjusted upon installation.


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