Partner Intergrations

Shipping - nShift


Automating transport requirements and shipping process

nShift is a global logistics platform and industry leader in parcel delivery management and shipment. Via an EDI link between your CERM MIS and nShift DeliveryHub, nShift handles the bidirectional communication with the carrier of your choice.

CERM - nShift EDI workflow

Select all shipped transport requirements in the CERM MIS and hit the EDI button to submit the selection directly to the nShift DeliveryHub.

The successfully submitted transport requirements are automatically confirmed and a user intervention notification is returned if applicable.

nShift handles the next steps of the logistic process based on the applicable rules of the configured carriers: validation, printing labels and submitting the actual transport order(s) to the carrier(s).

All updates related to status changes of each transport requirement are communicated from nShift DeliveryHub to the CERM MIS. This communication includes tracking and delivery details, and the actual transport cost (if available).

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The CERM MIS Software integrations are partner-specific:
Discover them all – and the added value they bring – here, organized according to the standard workflow form CRM to Invoicing
Our CERM MIS is tailored to the Label and Packaging Industry