Don’t get caught out on the UK Plastic Packaging Tax coming into force as of April 1st


The UK Plastic Packaging Tax is an environmental tax designed to provide a financial incentive for businesses to use recycled plastic in their manufacturing processes and applies to all manufacturers and importers of plastic packaging components which contain less than 30% recycled plastic. CERM has been following up on this topic in these last few months, building a set of tools within our CERM MIS for our customers to cover the current aspects of this PPT-legislation.


Organizations that exceed the 10-tonne threshold have 30 days to register for the Plastic Packaging Tax and keep detailed records of their produced goods and evidence for exportations or exemption claims. In close collaboration with our UK customers, we have developed a PPT-toolset in our CERM MIS Software and are continuously adapting it as we gain knowledge and progressive insight in this matter.

The aspects that are already covered by the PPT-toolset in our MIS Software are: additional invoice price lines on your sales orders to passing the Plastic Packaging Tax to your end-customer when applicable, and a periodic reporting tool with a set of reports.

Concerning your sales orders, we have written two essential scripts to first calculate and inject the PPT weight for product and liner separately into 2 fields of the product properties. Secondly to calculate and automatically create invoice price lines on sales orders when applicable. This works based on a free sales order status and the 2 PPT weight properties from the product.

Concerning the periodic reporting, our set of reports includes stock intake of finished products within a period of time and an alternative report based on shipped finished products.


If you’re a customer and have not reached out on how to implement PPT, we are available and happy to help. You can raise your Topdesk ticket here.
(Note: you should at least be operating CERM version 7.23)


If you’re not a customer yet but you’re interested in how CERM MIS can help you cope with the Plastic Packaging Tax and further integrate your workflow, you can request your meeting or personal demo here.




More information on the Plastic Packaging Tax can be found on the official UK Government webpages:


More guidance on this topic:'s%20Import%20and%20Trade,than%2030%25%20recycled%20plastic%20content

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