Partner Intergrations

Invoicing - Scan Sys


Automating the import of purchase invoices

Scan Sys is a software company that offers solutions for the automatic digitization and processing of documents such as incoming purchase invoices. The Scan Sys ImageCapture software allows you to automatically import the purchase invoices via a structured XML file placed into a hot folder monitored by the CERM MIS.

CERM - Scan Sys workflow

Scan Sys collects the required data (suppliers, accounts, previous purchase invoices …) from the CERM MIS database.

When digitizing the incoming invoice, Scan Sys software reads and recognizes elements like supplier, contact, invoice number, PO number, articles, prices and all other information which is needed to convert the information from the invoice into a standardized XML file, ready for automatic import in the CERM MIS.

other cerm - Scan Sys partner integrations:
The CERM MIS Software integrations are partner-specific:
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Our CERM MIS is tailored to the Label and Packaging Industry