Partner Integrations with industry leaders


All individual software and workflow systems offer a set of functionalities that improve your productivity. But it’s the interaction between these systems in your CERM MIS Software that creates an extra dimension with endless possibilities. 

For more than 15 years, we've been building close relationships with strategic partners in various domains such as prepress, printing, finishing and inspection. Even resource and logistics suppliers are valued partners in developing a fully-integrated workflow.

By developing key standard integrations, we convert all your single operating systems into one interactive framework.


Introducing the 'Premium Integration Partner' quality label

This distinctive quality label concept for our CERM partners underlines our commitment to fostering strong relationships with label- and packaging printing industry leaders and to promoting seamless workflow integration through high-level partner interfaces.

CERM Premium Integration Partnerships:

ABG Esko Hybrid Software Premium Integration Partner

Through the CERM Premium Integration Partnership program, we emphasize the importance of an integrated workflow when striving for productivity and processing more orders faster and better. 

Our Premium Integration Partner quality label sets the bar of what should be an ideal CERM-partnership ant it challenges ourselves to work toward that common goal with all our industry partners.

Each partnership under the Premium Integration Partner program will be carefully evaluated based on 5 essential criteria. It is designed to recognize excellence and quality and serves as a badge of assurance, signifying the all parties involved deliver high-quality results through a proven and trusted solution.


Premium Integration Partner Criteria CERM



The CERM MIS Software integrations are partner-specific:
Discover them all – and the added value they bring – here, organized according to the standard workflow form CRM to Invoicing
Our CERM MIS is tailored to the Label and Packaging Industry

Become a CERM partner, just like these


Premium partners


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