



About Fedrigoni

A recent development saw Ritrama joining forces with other industry leaders, culminating in the birth of Fedrigoni. This collaboration, which includes Arconvert, Manter, and Acucote, has ushered in a new era of self-adhesive material design and production. At CERM, we're thrilled to be part of this dynamic partnership, leveraging Fedrigoni's collective knowledge and expansive product portfolio to meet our clients' diverse needs.

While some may describe us as a leading player in the self-adhesive labels sector, we prefer to see ourselves as thought partners first, always striving to find innovative solutions for self-adhesive materials. Our diverse range of products reflects our commitment to providing both technological excellence and visual appeal.

Our story is one of collaboration and unity, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and experiences across the globe. With passion, experience, and attention to detail, we are constantly looking ahead to the future, breaking barriers to create eye-catching products that stand out in the market.

As the exclusive provider of Fedrigoni products, we take pride in offering our clients unparalleled design and performance. Our products are engineered to excel in various conditions, including contact with water, ice, condensation, and oil-rich agents, ensuring reliability and durability in every application.


"We started in Italy with the merger of Arconvert, Ritrama and Manter, leaders in converting, design and manufacture of self-adhesive materials, before the creation of Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives. Now we’re global, with production and distribution sites all over the world."